September 19, 2008

Garlic or Wine? Or Both!

Every year, the last weekend in July, the city of Gilroy, California hosts their Garlic Festival. My parents decided to give it a shot this year, so David and I decided to join them. We ended up taking the trailer up there and staying in a campground instead of a hotel, and it was so much fun! You can smell the garlic growing in the fields before you even get all the way into the city. We attended the festival on Friday, and it was stinky. I've never seen so many things made with garlic before! Garlic french fries, sausage, ice cream, mushrooms, name it, they sold it! It was really hot that weekend and we walked around a lot, but as you can see, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

David and I decided to extend our trip after Gilroy and headed up to Napa. David has been there before but this was my first time. I am in love (with my husband for planning the trip and with Napa for the amazing wines we had!). It is so beautiful, all the fields with the grapevines, each winery has their own unique look, and so many within such a short distance! Our favorite Napa wineries are: Cakebread Cellars, Chimney Rock, and Silver Oak (and yes, those are in order starting with our favorite favorite winery)! We stayed at the Harvest Inn in St. Helena and it is such a wonderful place to relax. There is a wine bar and a study where you can just sit and relax, and there are beautiful grounds outdoors to walk around or to just take in the beautiful scenery. I hope that we make this a vacation spot that we visit in the future, because it was a wonderful place for us to get away and just enjoy time together sipping some fabulous wine and eating delicious food.